Friday, July 11, 2008

The Chair

Chris has this chair.
The chair is strategically placed to gain the most advantageous view of the television and surrounding furniture; it is in the center of entertainment and most likely at the center of the universe.

One day, I decided that the chair was fair game to the closest person. This was a terrible assumption. I planted myself in the chair and was beginning to get comfortable when I heard a pronounce "AHEM." Chris was standing above me waiting for me to move. "What?" I said innocently. I gestured around the table at the many other seating options but he was having none of it. Reluctantly, I got up.
In an attempt to explain the power of the seat, Chris explained, "I don't even let my friends sit here, why would I..." He caught my "if you finish that sentence you are dead meat" look and proceed to fumble with his words until he finished with "I love you?"

When I discovered that I could also wield the power of a personal chair, I moved my papa-san into the TV viewing area. No modifications were made to the other furniture so my chair remained on the outskirts, providing an awesome view of the side of the television. Eventually, I abandoned my attempts at straining to see each show and reverted to my old position with a frontal view on the love sac. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get comfortable on the giant pillow and I frequently end up in an upright fetal position, guaranteeing eventual neck ache. Now, my chair is used as a foot stool for Chris' seat. I have suspicions this was planned all along.

Now, with banishment from the sacred throne and no seat of my own, I find great pleasure in attempting to steal Chris' chair just before he decided to sit down. At least I can irritate him before he gets comfortable.

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